Saturday, October 23, 2010


I was pretty sceptical about using a blog at the start of the semester. As we have discussed in our tutes throughout the semester, we all had preconceived ideas about blogs and ‘bloggers’...with images coming to mind of people sitting for hours on end blogging about their personal lives. However, through using the women’s studies blog this semester, as well as coming across other blogs amidst research for assignments, I have discovered that blogs come in a wide range of forms.

However, I would not consider myself a “cyborg” (yet!?) as I know there is still so much out there to learn...and as much as I am attached to my computer/Facebook etc, the concept of belonging to a virtual world/community (that is too far removed from ‘reality’, ie the games we have discussed such as Second Life/ COD!!) does not appeal to me.

This unit has taught me that the virtual and interactivity online may not be so far removed from what we call ‘reality’ and the tangible, but I still feel that there is a clear distinction between the two and that a danger exists when people become to engulfed in their ‘virtual realities.’

I enjoyed the interactive and engaging nature of this unit - the tutes in particular.

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