Weeeeellllllllll Hello
Before this unit, i've only used a blog once and that was for another assignment. The use of blogs as a way of communicating stories and whinging about life was the only way i thought they could be used until i took this unit. It never occured to me how widespread blogging is used for all types of subjects, such as putting heaps of political posts from other pages onto one blog for easier access. I particuarly enjoyed how we could post whatever (semi) relevant things we came across on the internet and interact with other students' ideas out of the classroom envirnment.
Do i regard myself as a Cyborg? I'd like to think not...but in reality I most probably am. The amount of time I spend on my laptop talking to friends or looking up things on the internet is ridiculous. As previously mentioned I work as a secretary so thats sometimes almost 10 straight hours sitting in front of a computer screen. Once the power was out and we had to write everything out manually, it was horrible! Once you become so reliant on technology for a certain tasks its ridiculously hard to go back to the manual way of things. Even leaving my phone at home for a day has me anxious about who could be trying to contact me. I'm travelling to Costa Rica in a few weeks so I'm going to be away from technology for awhile which should be interesting! I'm going to miss the constant communication to my friends and never ending pool of information that is the internet....Ahh yeah I'm such a cyborg.
What I most liked about this unit was how it opened my eyes to feminism in technology and media. I now notice the sexualisation of women in gaming and other medias and how men are portrayed as the dominant users of technology even though is often isnt the case. I enjoyed our in class discussions which allowed everyone to input their stories and ideas which I've scarcely had in past tutorials. Also the use of the blog as a way to post assignments was very beneficial as we could link every point and idea to further information. Personally i think more units should use this technique!
Overall, I've enjoyed this unit and it has defintely influenced me to look at more blogs online, input more in tutorials, and critically analyse the portrayal of women in technology and other medias.
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